Horse Race Game
Current Time: 02/20/2025 10:39:07pm
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To help players quickly understand how the classification system works and to ensure horses are entered correctly in racing events where they will be competitive, a color-coded identification system has been created.

Please keep in mind that every horse is born with a birth speed rating (BSR). The BSR is a general guide on your horse's potential ability. Maximizing your horse's potential also requires placing your horse in the correct racing conditions. Though your horse's birth speed rating is a good indication of his ability, some horses never reach their natural ability while others far exceed it.

The BSR correlates to the color-coded races and tournaments for entry. When entering a horse for a race or tournament, only races that your horse is eligible for will be displayed. Below is a chart that lists the birth speed rating range for each type of race or tournament.

Race/Tournament Type Under - 117.0 117.1 - 121.0 121.1 - 125.0 125.1 - 129.0 129.1 - 132.0 132.1 - Over
Claiming Races X X X X X X
White Races X X X X X
Green Races X X X X X
Blue Tournaments X X X X X
Race/Tournament Type Under - 117.0 117.1 - 121.0 121.1 - 125.0 125.1 - 135.0 135.1 - Over
General G3 Tournaments X
General G2 Tournaments X X
General G1 Tournaments X X

White Races
White Races are a single race event that requires a single entry fee. The entry fee is determined by the maximum speed rating of each race and ranges from 1,000-2,000 game points.

Green Races
Green Races are a single race event that requires a single entry fee. The entry fee is determined by the maximum speed rating of each race and ranges from 6,000-8,000 game points.

Blue Tournaments
Blue Tournaments are multiple race events that occur over a period of many days. Horses race in qualifier events in the tournament to qualify for a finals race in that tournament. The horses accumulating the most earnings in the qualifiers will automatically be entered into the finals race where game points can be won. The entry fee and fee for each qualifier race is determined by the maximum speed rating of each tournament. Entry fees range from 6,000-8,000 game points and race fees range from 1,200-1,600 game points.

General Tournaments
General Tournaments are multiple race events that occur over a period of many days. Horses race in qualifier events in the tournament to qualify for a finals race in that tournament. The horses accumulating the most earnings in the qualifiers will automatically be entered into the finals race where game points can be won. Entry fees are 10,000-30,000 game points and race fees are 2,000-6,000 game points depending on if it is a General G1, G2, or G3 tournament. To race in a General Tournament, a horse must have a BSR greater than 125.0. If a horse has a BSR greater than 135.0, it can only race in a General G1 or G2 Tournament. If a horse has won a General G1, G2, or G3 Tournament in it's last race then it can only race in a General G1, G2, or Claiming Race in it's next race.

Claiming Races
Claiming Races are a single race event that requires a single entry fee. The entry fee is determined by the maximum speed rating and age requirement of each race and ranges from 4,000-7,500 game points. Stables must be "Verified" to race and claim horses in Claiming Races. All horses entered in Claiming Races are automatically "for sale" and can be purchased by another stable.

For more information on Races, please read Race Entry Guide - Entering a Race.