Horse Race Game
Current Time: 02/22/2025 9:49:00am
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Entering a Tournament
Before placing your horse in a tournament, understand the different types of tournaments offered, which include Blue Tournaments and General Tournaments. Winning tournaments comes down to two factors. Those factors are proper classification of your horse in the right tournament and placing your horse under the right racing conditions (race distance, track surface, etc). You enter a tournament just as you would a single race which you can review on the Race Entry Guide - Entering a Race page.

Tournament Structure
A Tournament is broken down into qualifier races and a finals race. Horses must qualify to race in the finals race by accumulating enough earnings in the qualifier races. The max number of horses listed for the finals race is the number of horses that can qualify for the finals. To qualify for the finals a horse must be listed in that position or higher on the Tournament Leaderboard. If horses tie for the last spot in a finals race ties will be broken first by horses owned by VIP stables and then a random draw. To qualify for the finals a horse must have earned some amount in earnings. If for some reason there are less than the minimum number of horses required for the finals race winning earnings in the qualifier races the finals race will be cancelled and full refunds will be given to the horses receiving earnings in the tournament. Horses qualifying for the finals will automatically be entered into the finals.

Once a tournament closes for nomination horses must then be nominated for the qualifier races. To nominate a horse for qualifier races after a tournament closes for nomination click on the tournament name on the horse's stable page. Then click on the qualifier you want to enter the horse in, check the box beside the horse and click the add/remove button. Back on the tournament page the qualifier should be listed for one of the races the horse is entered in. If a qualifier race is overfilled with more horses entered in it than what are available entries will be selected by horses owned by VIP players first, horses with the fewest races drawn into in the current tournament second, and a random draw third. If a qualifier race draws with less than the minimum number of entries required pool horses will automatically be entered into the qualifier to meet the minimum number of horses required. Pool horses are system horses and will not accumulate earnings but can prevent other horses from winning earnings.

Tournament Fees
For tournaments, there is a tournament entry fee and there is a race entry fee. The tournament entry fee is paid to enter the tournament. The race entry fee is paid for each qualifier race that is entered. Each fee adds to the overall purse of the tournament. There is no fee for the finals races. Horses qualifying for the finals receive free entry into the finals.